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## Media
### Title
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## Popup
### Body
htmlText_4299BCA6_6C3B_0A01_41CC_552E8087B030.html =
Construction on the fortress began in 1672 and was completed many years later. The native coquina stone used for the structure was quarried on Anastasia Island
htmlText_4BBCB985_6C35_0A03_41A2_457F5BE13622.html = St. Come up for a breath-taking view of downtown and the beaches. Explore the maritime museum and browse the unique gift store.
htmlText_7C267FD2_6C4D_0601_41C9_0C1AD234448D.html = The four year liberal arts college resides in the former Ponce de Leon hotel a luxury resort built by Hnery Flagler in 1888
### Title
window_42A7ACA6_6C3B_0A01_41D7_0142DC725248.title = CASTILLO DE SAN MARCOS
window_7C263FD1_6C4D_0603_41D4_665BD5D55526.title = FLAGLER COLLEGE
window_4BC2D985_6C35_0A03_416F_25812671FA13.title = St. Augustine Lighthouse & Museum
## Tour
### Description
### Title
tour.name = Untitled 3